We also read I wish i had duck feet By Dr. Seuss at our 2nd circle time . At this time we played if your Happy and know it !
If your happy and know it
Put your left foot in ,
If your happy and know it put your left foot in ,
If your happy and know it your feet will surly show it
put your right foot in :
shake your foot
stomp your foot
kick your foot
move foot up
move foot fast
move foot slow
basically all from the foot book
song to Happy and you know it .
First we started by reading Foot book. Then i help Trace each foot . They decorated Their own foot. We talked about how big some where and small some where . We looked at some pictures from items in the room and we measure how many of our feet it takes to measure the object . Not sure you can see the counts they did not show up well in pictures but they add there foot count .
Also i borough out these feet we made another time to learn to tie with and lace this would also be cute project to make today . to make these I just had them trace there shoes or foot on cardboard and i punched wholes in it for them to lace up and tie.
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