Saturday, February 19, 2011

Routine / circle time

so what does your circle time included?How many circle time do you have a day?
The young children most of us work with it can not be long . 5 minutes to 15 most.
Our First circle time take place right after Breakfast We do calendar which moves us in to a story most time then right to table time . I have posted my calendar area before here, here is the post.
it works great for me . We review our number of the month . We count the days of week , names of the month and sing the months . There are many ways to do this i would think .
Sunday , Monday , Tuesday ,Wednesday , Thursday , Friday Saturday then we start again . Then we stop on the day of the week Sunday , Monday . Months is done the same way . And count until the number .
Then we move into a quick craft or possible just some table activity . Most things i do are very flexible and open ended so they can do as little or as much as they want . It is way different for my 4year girls in my care she can spend hours at the table but my Two year old boy 5 or 10 minutes tops .
Then after free play we do another circle time . This is done on are circle time carpet . This will have usually two songs , two short books and possible a group interaction . I pick usually two songs almost always one with movement for the children to be involved and a counting one . Story's are short few words great pictures . I usually do a story ,song , story song to break it up . Then for interaction sometime it a flannel piece they get to hold , a prop for story or song . other times like this week we did a large floor puzzle at circle time .
here the post on where this circle time takes place
There are many times for opportunity to read through out the day. For a few years i would pick a classic story and read a chapter each day before the children feel a sleep while they where in their beds . I sometime read at lunch while they are eating or at snack in late afternoon . Even right before they go home i will start another short circle time again 5 to 10 minute story .
I think some of the most important thing about circle time is routine children now where it is and when it is . Like my children know right after they clean up breakfast they are to sit back down and we do calendar right away . They know right after we clean up from free play they sit on a letter on carpet ready to listen .
Ilike routine why wound the children like routine .

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